Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just got back from McD's. Got the gift certificate this morning so I thot of belanja-ing the whole family. Boboy was still all semangat about the whole "boycott-US-products" thingy, he was so bising that we're going to have our dinner at McD's. But, he stopped after I bought him prosperity burger la *smiling*

I'm feeling a bit melancholic today. I miss the life I used to have back in uni. Every thing was so easy and I enjoyed the freedom back then. No need to worry about the littlest things, and you tend to take things for granted.

I've done things which I am not really proud of. But, that's part of the whole learning process in life and you can't just turn back the clock and expect things would be different and less complicated than it is now.

Yes, I miss you.
A friend who used to be there for me when I need to talk about crappy stuff. A person who I could count on. I sometimes took you for granted, because I know that you'd always be there for me. And who ever thought we would be here. I lost a friend whom I could talk about almost every thing. I know things won't ever be the same again, but I hope, that someday you will forgive me for all the horrible things I've done to you.

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