Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back from the dead


I got bored with the new blog site so I've decided to continue blogging here. Sooooo many updates I don't even know where to start!

My uncle has passed away few weeks ago. He suffered severe heart attack. We knew he was sick a week before he left, but we didn't get the opportunity to see him before he went away. It was too heart-wrenching to see his 11-year old boy standing at the corner of the house, staring blindly at his dad's lifeless body. Spent 3 days in Kota Bharu to attend the funeral and tahlil. May Allah place him with the mukmin souls.

Baby Lisya was admitted into the hospital last Saturday due to food poisoning. I couldn't stand to watch her struggling with the pain and she was soooo dehydrated that the doctors wanted to give her that drip thingy. But, my dad didn't want it so we had to force her to drink as much water as possible and cut on her food and milk. She lost 3kgs in 3 days and she keeps on crying "adoi" when her tummy's starting to memulas. She was discharged from the hospital earlier this evening, but the food poisoning is still there, only not as severe as before. We need to bring her to the hospital for follow-up check up every week.

The H1N1 thingy is spreading like nobody's business. My parents think it's safer that my brother stays at home, well in other words, skips school because he has asthma and the risk of him getting affected by the virus is higher as compared to us. Like a kid who just got a brand new PS3 (or whatever new technology they have just invented), he celebrates the news with watching tv the whole day and playing computer games all night. Doesn't look like someone who's having UPSR in the next few months to me at all.

My gastrict's coming back. Hopefully I'll recover soon enough before the Ramadhan which will be in next week. Oh, and I haven't seen my girls for god knows how long! Apparently Boe has someone now, but she doesn't want to tell anyone, not even ME! Oh, Suraya and Murni both are in relationships! Congrats darlings :)

Honey and I registered for the Fitness First Merdeka Challenge which will be on this Wednesday. Each must run on the threadmill at least 1.7km.
Sumpah selamba ;p

Well, okay. Shall get some sleep since I have to work tomorrow.
Updates soon.

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