Monday, April 9, 2012

Every one lies.

I'm just this close to give up believing in others. I don't know, maybe I gave up already.

It's bad enough that they caught lying and tried hard enough to cover up and sugar coat every thing, what makes it worse is that they pretend to be nice and caring and all just because they got busted.
Fuck it okay. Just leave it like that. If you don't have the guts to admit your wrongdoings and apologize for all the damages you have done, then don't fucking try to fake it because honestly, it won't make any difference.

And don't fucking try to even teach me anything because if there's one person who needs to be taught a lesson, that pathetic person is you.

Do whatever goddamn thing you want, I don't even want to fucking care anymore. Just leave me alone and don't fucking judge me because you don't have the right to do so. After all the things you've done, you deserve no respect from me.

Go on and live your life because from this moment on, you are a nobody to me.

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