Monday, August 31, 2009

Reunion cum Iftar

What a fun night!

Had this reunion/iftar with my ex-schoolmates at Big Plate just now. Of course, I was the last one to arrive tho it only takes 3minutes to go there from my house. When I reached there, being the rascals they have always been, gave me a standing ovation and called me "DATIN". Sorry la korang sebab datang lambat :p

The food was sucky so I didn't eat a lot pun even though I was really friggin hungry. But, it was so nice to finally gather with the people I haven't seen since I can't even remember when. And, they haven't changed even one bit, well okay maybe they've changed physically and all grown up etc. But, the warmth and the bond which I thought had gone throughout the years are still there. Some of them have known me since primary school. These are the people I grew up with before I left for SSC and explored the other side of the world.

Later after iftar, we went to Extreme Park and chilled out there while discussing our next reunion. Chin was kind enough to take pictures of us and uploaded those pics on the very same night. Thanks Chin, tho I look pretty fugly in most of the pics. pfft.

Betti was looking extremely so pretty and so much thinner, that I vowed to myself that I'm gonna shake some pounds off by the end of this year. You hear me Rakin? Hahaha.

Oh, Shahril left early because he has to work. Boooo you!

Can't wait for our next reunion!


shazlea shayla @ maria said...

waaahh..cpt nye update..mesti x tito neyh..BRAVO..n many thanx dear for coming... =)

h o n e y z said...

hahaha. tido pukul 5 okay. semangat punya pasal. u too! lain kali datang bawaklah cik abang sekali :)

itaclarita said...

woot woot....bile nex reunion...aku pun nak jadi ajk gak...ngee